Songs with Earlier Histories Than the Hit Version

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Tagged: Jackie Moore


First recorded by Paul Kelly (unreleased 1973).
Hit versions by Jackie Moore (R&B #92 1978), Karla Bonoff (US #19/MOR #3 1982), Ronnie McDowell (C&W #10 1983).
Also recorded by Paul Kelly (1993).

From the wiki: “‘Personally’ was first recorded in 1973 by its composer Paul Kelly, with Gene Page producing, for Kelly’s Don’t Burn Me album. However, the track was not released at that time. Kelly re-recorded the song in 1993 for the album Gonna Stick and Stay (see above).

“The first released version of ‘Personally’ was recorded in 1978 by R&B singer Jackie Moore, best-known for her gold single 1970 song ‘Precious, Precious’ (#30, 1971). Moore’s single, ‘Personally’, peaked at a disappointing #92 on the R&B chart, not even charting on the Billboard Hot 100.

“The song was later covered in 1982 with greater success by Karla Bonoff (‘Tell Me Why‘, ‘All My Life‘) and charted in the US Top 20. A 1983 cover by country singer Ronnie McDowell charted Top 10 on the US Country Singles chart.”